A great ADSB LNA for only 25€
I run my ADSB Radar now for over a year and started out with a Flightaware Pro Stick that worked very well. A few months ago i bought the very well known ADSB filtered LNA from UpUtronics that seems like it is the favorite of the community around the World.
Some weeks after i had my new LNA, the producer of the high quality RTL SDRs that many people use released a ADSB LNA. RTL-SDR.com developted a 3 time filtered LNA with two gain stages that has a gain of 27db and attenuates all out of band signals at least 60db.
I tested the LNA over past weeks and it was able to perform as well as my old one that costs double the price. Sometimes it seems to be even a litlle bit better then the UpUtronics one, what is really suprising to me for that low price.
I can just recommend this filtered amplifier to everyone that is thinking about upgrading his ADSB Setup with an LNA. You can buy it on the rtl-sdr.com Shop form China (Shipping took only 2 weeks to DE) or over Amazon if you are in the US.
I also made the Video down below about it:
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